Monday, January 3, 2011


So. Yeah. It's been awile since I posted on here. That last post? Just before I was diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. Wheee! See? There was something wrong in my noggin. I'm much better. I have attempted to improve my relationship with the Lord, and while probably mediocre, it has made a huge difference. I have grown tremendously as a person and Believer. Praise God for His grace!
What's happened since May of '09? Well, I went through a Beth Moore Bible study that God really used to begin the healing process, and then I joined Community Bible Study, which He used and is continuing to use, to grow and refine me. Chloe is now almost 2 1/2 and very precocious- she asked for "canneloni" the other day, and knew what she was asking for! Isaac and I are facilitating a small group through our church, and I am blessed constantly by the women I am surrounded by. I think God may have a place for me in Women's Ministry someday. I love it. Lastly, we now have an almost 7 week old son, Judah. He is a joy. God really redeemed my birth experience with Chloe through Judah's. I'm praying my safeguards that I have put in place will help this time around, and that if PPD does show itself, I will be able to recognize it sooner.
I hope to be on here more often than once every year and a half. Happy 2011!